All the attention is on you! It’s like the benefits a student receives from a tutor versus classroom learning. Private yoga sessions are available for students new to yoga, students who are recovering from injuries or for students who want to receive additional attention to focus & improve on their practice. 

There’s safety in private yoga instruction. All your injuries and specific needs are addressed in each pose. The practice of yoga has abundant physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits.  The focus of your session is custom to your needs and the training you’re receiving will create and sustain healthy boundaries for you.

The one-on-one assistance of private yoga sessions caters to the student’s specific body and needs. As a student, it feels good and it feels successful, because it’s happening at your skill level. Private yoga lessons also offer you the ability to focus on personal interests, concerns or goals. Instead of following along with the yoga instructor in a class setting, private lessons allows you to set specific goals and plans, such as personal goals for flexibility, strength or meditation.

Our sessions will accommodate your schedule! Not everyone has the flexibility to attend the classes on the calendar. This is when a private lesson can accommodate even the most hectic of schedules. Private sessions allow more options of when to do your yoga practice. (Click on photo to read more.)

Here are a few testimonials from students who have completed private yoga sessions:

“I believe that working with J as a private student  is one of the best things I have done in the last few years. Both of my knees developed osteoarthritis about 10 years ago. I  gradually stopped going down on the floor and became very stiff and limited in what I could do.  I realized that I needed work out and strengthen myself but I never imagined I would be able to do yoga or work on the floor again. After stem cell treatment in my knees that helped me to regain function, I realized that this was the time to try yoga again. J worked with me slowly at first in a chair and standing and then gradually moving to the floor. She very thoughtfully helped to figure out a good technique to get down and off the floor. It is clear that she has spent some time researching what poses and stretches could help arthritic knees. I am very pleased with the progress I have made. I especially am grateful for J’s teaching that we learn from physical challenges and to treat our practice as an adventure even when things don’t go quite as we hoped they would. She has helped me to see how yoga is a practice for life and it is possible to practice yoga with the body you have now.  I have regained a flexibility and feel much better. Thank you, J!”

“Private yoga sessions with J are amazing; recently I was suffering with sciatic nerve pain; after four appointments of physical therapy I realized that the exercises they were having me do were very similar to yoga. Since I have been a student of J’s for five and a half years I reached out to her for private sessions, these private sessions have been nothing short of a life changing experience.  J looked into yoga poses specifically designed for sciatic nerve pain and worked with me on them paying close attention to detail of each pose and modifying the plan to ensure going forward I would see progress. During our sessions, at times my emotions would get the best of me and J would recognize this and helped me physically and emotionally. Her calming nature has helped me to manage stress better, which has translated to an overall wonderful experience.”

Prices for Private Yoga Sessions

  • 1 session:$100.00;
  • 2 sessions: $85.00 each;
  • package of 6 sessions: $75.00 each

Look forward to being of service to you!

Contact J at or at 413-313-5769 to schedule your private sessions now!